Sunday, 22 December 2013

Christmas Fun

Well what a busy few weeks we have had in Nursery/Reception class. For the last few weeks we have been busy making Christmas cards, calendars and decorations for us to bring home. We can’t wait for you to see them! We have also had our Christmas party with Mrs Ward’s class which we thoroughly enjoyed. We ate lots of party food and played lots of exciting games. Finally, we performed our Christmas concert for our lovely families and school friends. Miss Jenkins said we have made her so proud.

Here is a sneaky peep at our Christmas party photos. Look how much fun we had!

Now it’s nearly time for Christmas and a well deserved rest for us all. I wonder what 2014 will bring.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all from everyone in Miss Jenkins’ class.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Gingerbread Man

We have been learning about the Gingerbread Man.  We have participated in lots of different Gingerbread Man activities and thought it would be a lovely way to end this topic by decorating our own Gingerbread Man.  We used icing pens and chocolate buttons to decorate him. We all had so much fun and can not wait to taste him!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Letter sound 'd'

This week we have been learning a new letter sound- 'd'.  We were all able to find lots of things that begin with 'd' such as doll, dummy, duck, drill, drum and many more.  We can't wait to find out what our new letter will be.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Autumn Term 2013

This week we began our first ‘Move a Book’ session with Jane Bellamy. We participated in a creative movement session which was linked to the story of The Three Little Pigs. We know this story very well as we have been learning about it for the past two weeks with Miss Jenkins.

During this session we used different parts of our bodies to perform movements and scenes from the story to music. We were able to share lots of ideas with Jane, including suggestions of different ways we could use our body parts to move, representing different parts of the story.

We thoroughly enjoyed participating and can’t wait for more next week!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


This week we harvested the potatoes we had planted.
We dug them up, washed them weighed them and ate them.
They were delicious!

Sunday, 14 July 2013


We are having a sunflower growing competition. First we decorated our own flower pots then we filled them with soil, put in some sunflower seeds and watered them. After a few days all of the sunflower seeds have grown. Some are bigger than others, we have taken them home to replant and see if we can grow a beautiful sunflower. We are going to bring in photographs in September to see who has the best and biggest sunflowers. Look at us planting them in our photos below.

Bob the Builder

We have been trying out some new toys and seeing how we can be just like Bob the Builder.
We all had to make sure we were wearing hard hats and high visibility vests just like real builders. Then we used tape measures to measure and recorded sizes and also wrote a list of the things we would need to get for our building projects.
Finally we built our buildings.
Take a look at some of our photographs to see us in action.

Friday, 21 June 2013


We have been learning about mini beasts. We have learned some new songs including “What a beast” and “Spider spins”. We played games and had to try to identify the mini beast when given different clues. We used the information we had learned to be the author and illustrators of our own books about mini beasts.
We have made some dragon flies and had to design their bodies and weave ribbon into their wings to create some patterns. Take a look at some of our photos showing how we worked to find out about mini beasts and some of our beautiful finished dragonflies.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Our Energetic visit to Ynysangharad Park

The children from Mrs Ward’s Class visited Ynysangharad Park to explore their physical development. As part of the curriculum the children should take part in adventurous and physical play. What better place to accept the challenge than the playground in Ynysangharad Park? The children were able to explore and develop many skills including their coordination, become knowledgeable about spatial awareness and relationships such as behind, underneath, below, over, under and on top of and explore a different outdoor learning environment, develop confidence and use a different range of large apparatus.
But most of all they had great fun!
The children’s behaviour was outstanding well done to all of them.
A big thank you to the adults who came with us .
I think it is safe to say that a lot of energy was used up and the walk back took us all a lot longer!
Take a look at some of our photographs.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Our trip to Bristol Zoo

We went on a visit to explore Bristol Zoo and were amazed to find dinosaurs there. We found out about lots of different animals. One of our favourite was the gorillas and we watched them for ages playing with a football and climbing trees and ropes. We went under water and explored penguins and seals swimming through tunnels. The lion cubs were adorable. We loved feeding the lorikeets when they landed on us. There were so many things to see and do that by the end of the visit we were exhausted and our journey home was very quiet. Take a look at some of our photographs.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Dinosaur Hunt

We have been exploring dinosaurs. We found out lots of different facts. We enjoyed listening to stories about Harry and his bucket full of Dinosaurs and Dinosaurs love underpants .We used marbling techniques to make dinosaur skins and found out our real dinosaur names. But best of all we have used all the equipment in our exploration area to go on a dinosaur hunt.

Now we are busy exploring the zoo, we are looking forward to telling you all about that very soon.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Termly Topic

Dear Parents,     23rd April 2013

Our topic this term is

 Let’s Explore…….

This week we are exploring colours. On Friday the children can wear their favourite colour to school (either just a top or their whole outfit)

The other topics we will be looking at this half term are……

Let’s Explore…….  The Zoo
Let’s Explore……. The Garden

We look forward to seeing our very colourful classes on Friday!

Mrs Ward & Miss Smyth

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Science Week

We went on a welly walk to look for signs of Spring.  We used natural materials to make our own nests.

Talking Ted asked us to investigate materials - some to make him a waterproof tent and the other to find the slipperiest material for a slide. We hope Talking Ted was happy with the results!