Saturday, 31 May 2014

Over the last few weeks we have been extremely busy in our class.  Our new role play area has become a Vets Surgery to fit in with our pets theme which we absolutely love!  We care for all sorts of animals in there such as snakes, birds, mice, cats, dogs, sheep etc.
At the moment we are learning about minibeasts.  We have made minibeasts out of playdough, painted minibeast pictures, written about them and well, the list is endless.

We have a busy final term approaching and are looking forward to having lots of fun!

Sunday, 9 March 2014


Our home task during half term was to make, draw or paint something that represented living in Wales.
Miss Jenkins had a lovely surprise when she greeted the children on the first day back.

Look at what we have made!

Now our hall is full of fantastic things that represents Wales.

Da iawn!

Friday, 28 February 2014

Valentines Day

Last week we celebrated Valentines Day. We hope you loved your valentines Love Hearts and Love Bugs.  We had so much fun making them for you.
Our classroom was filled with a lot of love as you can see from these photos.

This week we have begun making things ready for our St Davids Day Eisteddfod which will take place after half term.  We cannot give too much away at the moment so you will have to wait just a little longer.

Have a lovely half term!

Miss Jenkins